Easy & Inexpensive Kitchen Pantry Storage Tips

Pantry storage is one of those things that is amazing when it works, but a nightmare when it goes wrong. With these quick and easy tips you can definitely make your pantry storage work for you. The best part? They are storage solutions that won’t break the bank. You even have some of the items lying around the house right now making them an extremely inexpensive option!

Boards Everywhere

Strategically placed whiteboards and blackboards are great to have in your pantry or kitchen. It makes jotting down a grocery list or writing down recipes easy as pie. Did you know that a blackboard can also be used as a backsplash? You can decorate it with whichever drawings you like, or write down current recipes you’re using, then erase it and start again when you feel like a change!

Plastic Bag Holder

Plastic shopping bags don’t have to be a one use item, they come in handy for lots of things once you bring them home from the shops. Storing them in a central place that is also compact and neat is a convenient way to keep them on hand. Reusing them is also much better for the environment than just throwing them away (and when you’re done with them for good don’t forget to recycle them).

A Special Place For Spices

Spices should be easy to grab, quick to use and then have a designated place to go back in the cupboard. Often when you’re busy in the kitchen you are quickly grabbing spices and following recipes, a mess in the spice cabinet or drawer can very easily become disorganised when working in master chef situations. If you can get a foolproof system set up in the pantry for spice this headache will no longer be a problem. There are many storage solutions available for spice cupboards that can either be used in drawers or mounted onto your wall.

File Holders

You can get these from any of your local stationery shops and they’re a wonder for enhancing your pantry storage. They can be used to store and divide fruit, bottles, and much more. You can also use cling wrap and foil wall-mounted solutions.


We all know that magnets can be used on the fridge to look pretty, display artwork, notes and lists, but did you know that you can also take them into the pantry to organise your food storage space? Simply stick magnetic strips to the inside of your shelves, then stick magnetic strips to the lids of small jars (you can fill these jars with spices and other lightweight condiments) and stick them to the magnets in your pantry for easy access. You can also have a ton of fun with the family and kids making labels for your jars, so that you can instantly identify what you’re looking for!

Tension Rods

Start installing tension rods in your pantry right now to save space! They make great dividers or extra hanging space. Tension rods come in all shapes and sizes, so finding the perfect fit for small drawers and big kitchen cupboards is easy!

These tips are quick, easy and make a world of difference in your kitchen pantry! You can even get the family involved to start sorting with your spouse, the kids, even your besties.