Hot Beverages: Coffee Recipes

Winter is around the corner, it is the perfect excuse to cuddle up on the couch with a good movie or your favourite book and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee! With only one month to prepare, we want to take this opportunity to share some of our favourite hot beverage recipes with you! Our favourite recipes are courtesy of BBC Good Food, check out their website for more great recipes (not just coffee).

All these recipes are easy to whip up in 2-3 minutes and make one serving, so remember to adjust the recipe when you’re making coffee for the whole fam!

You will need 35ml of espresso as the basis for each recipe. The easiest way to make espresso is with a coffee machine, but there are other ways to do it. If you do not have a coffee machine, you can also use espresso pods or you can try using ground espresso in the following ways:

  • French Press
  • Moka Pot or Stovetop
  • Aeropress


Classic Cappuccino (200-250ml cup)

  • 18g ground espresso (or 1 espresso pod)
  • 150ml milk
  • Cocoa powder, to serve (optional)


  1. Prepare your 35ml of espresso using any of the methods mentioned above and pour it into your mug.
  2. Steam your milk (with a steamer, or using a microwave or stovetop method). If you use a microwave or stovetop method remember to use a whisk or plunger to froth the milk. Your steamed milk should have a 4-6cm foam layer on top.
  3. From a distance of about 3-4cm, steadily pour your milk into the centre of your espresso cup.
  4. Dust with cocoa to finish and serve.


Latte (300-350ml cup)

  • 18g ground espresso (or 1 espresso pod)
  • 250ml milk


  1. Prepare your 35ml of espresso using any of the methods mentioned above and pour it into your mug.
  2. Steam your milk (with a steamer, or using a microwave or stovetop method). If you use a microwave or stovetop method remember to use a whisk or plunger to froth the milk. Your steamed milk should have a 4-6cm foam layer on top.
  3. From a distance of about 3-4cm, steadily pour your milk into the centre of your espresso cup.


Cafe Mocha (300-350ml cup)

  • 18g ground espresso (or 1 espresso pod)
  • 250ml milk
  • 1 tsp drinking chocolate/hot chocolate


  1. Prepare your 35ml of espresso using any of the methods mentioned above and pour it into your mug.
  2. Add in your drinking chocolate or hot chocolate and stir well to form a smooth mixture.
  3. Steam your milk (with a steamer, or using a microwave or stovetop method). If you use a microwave or stovetop method remember to use a whisk or plunger to froth the milk. Your steamed milk should have a 4-6cm foam layer on top.
  4. From a distance of about 3-4cm, steadily pour your milk into the centre of your espresso cup.